Saturday, February 25, 2012

THIS is the day!

Okay, so here is a "challenge of the day" of sorts...
Start something NEW this day...create or follow up on a hobby, a book, a task list - something....just do something TODAY that makes THIS day different than your previous days.
Here's something that 'showed up' for me this morning, as I was sitting here, trying to narrow down my thoughts, ideas, and such for what to jot down in this blog...
So many of us decide to start something new - a new hobby, a new diet, a new book, a new task...or dropping something old - an old habit, finishing a book that just found its way under or behind something...whatever the case may be. We so often have our 'start date' or 'stop date'. I have a coaching client who is determined to quit smoking...on February 28th.
Why not TODAY? Why not get started TODAY on whatever it is that you want to embark upon? Now, I'm not one to promote "start this diet today", because I've been on this anti-diet soapbox for a while now...but I do think if you want to take your health, fitness, wellness, strength, vitality, balance, flexibility WHATEVER in a different direction - today is the BEST day to start! If you want to save for something, cut down your debt, or any other finanical 'change', do ONE thing today...a significant thing that will bring you closer to that goal/intention. If you have a friendship or relationship that needs mending, or ONE thing today that will bring you at least one step closer to that intention. We don't have to conquer everything in ONE day, but this IS the day to get started on something, or gain momentum on it.
Use today to start, finish or make good progress on something that you may be putting off - until Monday, until you have accomplished some other taks, or until February 28th. Jump in and make something great happen today!
Because its today!
Make this day spectacular, and please be sure to comment on this blog, and let me know what you're up to today!!
Until next time,


  1. And of course, as always, you and I are in-line. Your post articulates all that was going through my head as I fell asleep last night and as I woke up this morning. How do we do that??? :) Thank you for putting "our" thoughts into words and onto my laptop today.

  2. Today I started a blog, I have started many blogs before and all have fallen into the delete bucket after a few posts. I am determined today to keep up this blog as I feel a new leaf turning over in my life. Thank you Jill, I know we don't know each other but thanks to our Eagle Rock Chiro (who is now in fantastic Colorado!) we have been internet introduced :)

    1. Hi Moni! Wonderful to meet you...wonderful to have you reading my blog...and WONDERFUL that you've started your own!
      What is the name of your blog? I'd love to check it out, and see if we can continue to "nudge" each other along!
      Congratulations on starting, and being determined to stick with your new blog!
      Looking forward to 'reading' from you!

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  3. Woohoooooo! I started putting a puzzle together...a golden Imperial Dragon! I haven't done a puzzle in 20 years...oh what fun! Thanks, Jill!
