Monday, April 22, 2013

An Introduction to Your Own Worst Enemies!!

Holly & Harvey Habit.
Perhaps you've never been formally introduced to Holly & Harvey Habit, but you do know know them entirely too well! They're the ones who encourage you to live tomorrow, EXACTLY as you will today, simply because its how you lived yesterday! They're the horribly stagnant couple who keep your life predictable and contained, status quo, if you will.
Today's message is about your life. What excites you...what makes you happy...what makes you feel ALIVE!!! In order to live that ALIVE life, you need to meet, acknowledge, then EVICT Mr. & Mrs. Habit!

Do you wake up in the morning feeling worried? Stressed? Anxious? Already bored? Or, perhaps do you wake up in the morning, WITHOUT the use of your alarm clock, because you simply cannot WAIT to get out of bed and be YOU for another day!?
My guess is the former. So many of us wake up in the morning, and our first thoughts are of worry, negativity, or 'dread' for the upcoming day. Some of us would lay in bed for hours on end if we were given the choice. Living an unexcited, uninspired life...just from one 'routine' to another. Waking up to an alarm clock that seems to go off earlier and earlier every day. Reporting to a job we don't even like, but that "pays the bills". Watching the same TV shows at night, because that's just 'what we do'. Making habitual, unconscious decisions all day, just waiting for the end of the day to come, so we can climb into bed, feeling relieved that the day is over...only to get an 'average' night's get up and do it all over again the next day.
That doesn't sound like a very happy life, does it? Yet that is how over 80% of us "live" our lives Unconsciously.
Holly & Harvey Habit are the chains that tie you to your existence...and truly keep you from LIVING! The difference between existing and living is immeasurable, but about to become very clear.
You have a purpose. You have a passion. You have at least one of each of those. Something that gets you excited. Something that inspires and energizes you. (If that purpose or passion doesn't come to mind right way, take a second and think about something that you've EVER said, "I would love to do that...someday", or "if I had the time/money, I'd _____").  There's a spark inside of you that has never gone out, and (for over 80% of us) it is very alive, just waiting to be fueled. Many of these things you'll find in the form of a "Bucket List".
You have these energizers for a reason. These 'things' you want to do, see, become, give, understand or LIVE. We all have them, but those pesky residents in your life, Holly Habit and Harvey Habit, work very hard to keep all those wonderful attributes, activities and accomplishments at bay.
I'm here to invite STRONGLY invite you to take your 'existance' BACK from the Habits, and choose your life! Become conscious and aware of what you love to do, and DO IT! Spend time EVERY DAY doing something that you love! ANYTHING that you love!!!  There is a reason that you have a passion for ____ (fill in the blank!). There is an undeniable, undefinable, profound REASON that you are drawn to that thing, idea, activity, behavior, or goal. The truth is, we are not all drawn to the same hobbies, professions, friends, activities, forms of entertainment or life goals. Yours are special to YOU. A seed wouldn't be planted in your head, if you were not meant to enjoy and partake in the growth and development of whatever it is that excites you.
We have to learn to put value in the things that excite and energize us, and value ourselves enough to make those things happen in our lives.
Do you like to travel? Study? Teach? Are you drawn to painting or drawing? Are you inspired by music? Literature? Dance and/or movement? Writing? Architecture? What is it that sucks you in, and if only for a moment, gets you really excited or inspired?
Spend some time, really day-dreaming about what things or activities really resonate with you, and really get your blood pumping. (Keep in mind Holly & Harvey are not going to like this, and you're going to get lots of reasons thrown at you as to why you can't have, do, see, accomplish or acquire those things - they want to keep you engaged with them...doing the same things every day, thinking the same way, stuck in the same ruts).
But, I invite you to stand up for yourself - stand up for your LIFE, and spend time engaging those things that are interesting and exciting to you. Your life is meant to be LIVED, in full Technicolor, HD and Surround Sound...not just 'gotten through'.
Do something TODAY that 'dabbles' in your interests, desires, passions, dreams. If you LOVE to travel, but don't appear to have the time, money or resources to do so...pack a lunch and 'travel' to the park for a picnic. 'Travel' to the corner coffee shop and sit for a minute and plan a trip for your future. Do something that engages your interest, and you'll feel a little more ALIVE! Change one piece, one 30 minute block of your day by including something that drives you, and you'll already start taking back your life.
There are countless ways that you can begin to evict the Habits from your life! Countless little steps you can take every day to move towards owning your life again. You can certainly take HUGE steps every day, but that can seem a bit daunting, so you may want to start with small steps.
Start with a list. Just a short list of things that you are interested in, or excited or inspired by. The list can include material things, activities, people, hobbies, areas of study, anything. Just what comes to mind, then each day, start by acting on one or more of those things.
But, definitely start with SOMETHING. Your life belongs to YOU...take it back, and LIVE IT! It is NEVER too late!! If the dream or desire is in there - FEED IT! :-D

As always, I'd love to hear what you're up to, so please drop me a line and let me celebrate YOUR LIFE with you!!!
Until next time,

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