I was on my way to work that morning, headed in to my job as an Environmental Program Coordinator for the City of Thornton, when I heard on the radio that an airplane had hit a high-rise building in New York. An accidental collision was the speculation at the time, because it had not occurred to anyone, that something like this could possibly be deliberate. Then the second plane hit, reports of at least 2 other planes being hijacked, and an order for the immediate grounding of ALL in-air flights was issued.
Dear God...this was not an accidental collision.
That perspective is probably the one that millions of people shared on that day....but within about an hour and a half, everything shifted for me, and I don't really recall that day as a terrorist attack, or the horrific event that will forever be ingrained in the US History books.
For me, the events of September 11th, (while yes, horrible, frightening, and heartbreaking), remain powerful - not because of the devistation, but because of the beautiful, inspiring and magnificent display of love, heroism, determination and strength that were released in such an 'explosive' way.
In that one moment in time - (which was truly hours long), people were given, and MANY took the opportunity to truly shine as human beings.
Todd Beamer, and the other folks on United Flight 93...there were approximately 20 people on board that flight, who stood up in the face of terror, and used a food cart to break down the door of the cockpit on that plane, overtake the 2 hijackers, and divert that plane from going into a US Government Building, to bring it down into an empty, unpopulated, open field in Pennsylvania. The list of adjectives to describe the character of those people is endless, profound, and really leaves me speechless. THAT is the kind of thing I remember about September 11th. THAT is the kind of thing that literally brings tear to my eyes. The strength of character, level of commitment, and I don't even know how to describe the strength, integrity, and wherewithall it would have taken to perform such a task....truly blows my mind., touches my heart, and inspires me on a level that does not even HAVE words.
The gentleman who's name I never knew, who was on the janitorial staff in Tower 1...who helped guide an entire FLOOR of people down the stairway from the 12th floor. He took command of that floor, and guided everyone toward the stairway...many of them to safety. I heard his story on one of the shows that aired on the 5 year Anniversary of the event, and at that time, he was still living in New York, no longer working because of his injuries, but he visited the Tower 1 site every day. He said that he prayed every day at that site for those who died in that building, and prayed for peace for those who survived. This man had no emergency training to rely on. He had no 'practice drills' to refer to. He simply had his love of people to motivate him to guide others to safety. And that love of people, outweighed his fear for his own life. THAT'S what I remember about September 11th.
I remember how close this event brought everybody. Not just people in America, but people all over the world. Some people stayed (or went back) home from work when they heard what had happened. Many people went in search of their religious or spiritual beliefs and understanding. Families hugged more. People prayed and meditated more. People truly reached out to each other from a place of love and compassion, in an attempt to comfort one another.
There were Priests who came in from all over the country, to pray over those people who were being pulled from the destruction. There were people...just plain people...untrained, non-emergency personnel who came in from ALL OVER THE COUNTRY to help in any and every way possible - with search and rescue, bringing in water and food, medical supplies and toiletries...people coming in from everywhere - bringing anything they could, just to help out.
September 11th brough about a world-wide outpouring of love and compassion, strength and courage, selflessness and sacrifice. THAT'S what I remember about September 11th.
It is with those wonderful memories that I sit in rememberance today of that event. The love. The strength. The courage. The bravery, love and compassion that surrounds and lives within us ALL to reach out to others in need. The inspiration to be better, to do better, to think better and to KNOW better. The joy of being alive, and being able to laugh with, love with and LIVE with the people in this world. That's what September 11th means to me.
In love, peace and compassion....I sign off for today.
Well done, a good way to look at it from s place of love.