Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Peace 'n Pieces

We're all searching for it. Peace. Not pieces of peace, we can find that sprinkled throughout our days and our lives. But Peace...lasting, calming, ever-present Peace. Here's what I've recently come to learn, thanks to a magnificent book writen by Joe Dispenza (e-mail or text me if you'd like the book title!):
If we're looking for peace, we aren't going to find it. Here's me:

When I have my own apartment, I'll have peace
When I graduate college, I'll have peace
When I get that GREAT job I want, I'll have peace
When I lose weight, I'll have peace
When I am debt-free, I'll have peace
When my son is happy - TRULY happy, I'll have peace
When I am out of this toxic, abusive marriage, I'll have peace
When I have my Lexus 350, I'll have peace
When I have a ridiculous amount of money, I'll have peace
When I get that raise, I'll have peace
When I lose weight, I'll have peace (didn't work last time, but THIS time...yes, this time, I'll have peace)
When I move to Colorado, I'll have peace
When I am re-united with the love of my life, and we live happily ever after, I'll have peace
When I get the basement cleaned out, I'll have peace
When I own my own business, I'll have peace
(shall I stop now? Do you get my point?, because there are plenty more examples if need be...)
I'll trust that you 'get' my message, and that is okay to move on to my point!
Feel free to substitute the words happiness or joy, (or any other word that feels more accurate to you) in the place of peace. That was just the word that showed up for me.
Anyway, we spend our lives...yes our LIVES in search of that emotion...or feeling of peace, happiness, joy...we spend our LIVES searching for it. Waiting for it to happen, show up, appear - whatever.

It ain't gonna. Peace isn't found. Peace, joy, happiness...all those wonderful qualities are not found anywhere. They are merely the ABSENCE of all the other garbage. Peace is our natural state. The way we are supposed to be...designed to live. But at some point(s) in our lives, we learn struggle, drama, judgement, anger, frustration, 'failure', inadequacy, jealousy, not-okay-ness, etc. When we learn those things, we learn coping mechanisms to help us 'get through' those difficulties. Once we've gotten through them, whatever they may be, we hang on to the fact that we experienced that challenge, so we are suddenly 'armed' for when it happens again. No peace in being armed.

My point is NOT to have you say, "screw it! I'll never find peace, so I may as well just throw in the towel!" - my point IS...get quiet, let go of the stuff you think is 'wrong' with you, or wrong in your life, and let Peace be.  Let Peace BE. If you let it be, it will. Once you truly are and have Peace, all those other 'things' fall into place.  It may feel hard to believe right now, but that's only because the other garbage is clouding your view of that peaceful place, and you have to squint or struggle to see it.  Peace is waiting for YOU...you needn't wait for it. All you need to do is clear away the junk that has accumulated over the years, and let Peace be.

Here's another point...we, particularly Americans, spend so much time, money and energy distracting ourselves, that we don't really allow ourselves to sit quietly long enough to BE Peaceful. There are phones, iPods, iPads, computers, stereos, video games, movies, books, plans, programs, events, activities...new and bigger "things" (homes, cars, TVs, etc), Facebook, Twitter....all these distractions that keep us from being quiet. Often times, I believe, its because it is in that "quiet" time, where we tend to suffer the most - hurt the most, cry the most...whatever the 'negative' emotion or experience is - happens most often and most profoundly when we are what we believe to be as "quiet".  But I suppose that whole self-aviodance concept is probably a 'whole other blog' so to speak. 

So in the space of quiet, REAL, honest quiet...that's where Peace, Joy and Happiness are. Just waiting for you to show up. Make that time for yourself, every day - and for as much of the day as possible, to be in Peace. And in that, Peace be with you.

As always, I would love to hear your feedback, and would love to hear what happens for you in that place of Peace. Please feel free to drop me a note, a text or a call...

Until Next Time,

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