You know the phrase, "Our past experiences make us who we are today", right? Well, please forgive my frustration, but, that's an airy-fairy, overused 'feel
good' line for trying to make someone let go of past bad decisions or perceived
injustices. So many people use incidences of their pasts, and let them be an excuse for their present and future beliefs, actions and behaviors. I'm here to set the record STRAIGHT!
Contrary to 'popular cliché', our past experiences DO NOT make us who we are today. What makes us who we are today, is who we DECIDE TO BE! It is completely irrelevant, whatever has happened to you up to this very moment in your life! COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT! I don't care where you live, what you've 'done', what's been 'done to you', what you've experienced, how you experienced it, who loved you, who left you, what job you quit, what employer fired you, how many kids you have, or the fact that you can't have any. Doesn't matter how much money you have, nor how little. Doesn't matter where you grew up, and in what type of environment. Irrelevant is the fact that you were abused as a child, or were raised in a life surrounded by fluffy clouds and bunny rabbits. All equally immaterial.
That is one of the gifts of this BEAUTIFUL life! You get to choose, each and every day, who and how you want to be! You can choose to live your whole life, being a victim of your childhood. The victim of an abusive marriage. The victim of an illness, poverty or rejection. Its totally your choice, and you get to pick something different EVERY DAY, if you'd like!
The magic of the mind, is your absolute key to freedom!
So, here's a fun game that you get to play, if you so choose. Play with your past. Rewrite it. Make it EXACTLY the way you want it to be, and live your life as though every bit of it were the truth. Did you grow up in a castle? Did that relationship end because you decided that you wanted more from your life than that situation could ever possibly offer? Do you have the most perfect and ideal job, but you're just doing this one to see how 'the other folks' live? Open your mind to absolute creativity, and see what shows up. You get to own whatever it is that you want to, because your thoughts, your memories and your 'past' belongs to you. Do with it WHATEVER you want!.
Your 'past' is just a bunch of memories, all of them totally inaccurate to what ACTUALLY happened anyway, so mold those old memories like play-doh, and recreate them to make you who you want to be right now. If that 'you' stops being fun, change it up again!
Life is all about what's happening now, anyway, right? So redefine anything that 'happened before' that is slowing you down, or appearing as an obstacle, and get it the heck out of your way! That is NOT who you are.
Who you ARE is whomever you want to be. REALLY!!!
With that, I wish you all a beautiful, colorful, fragrant, LIFE FILLED DAY!!!
Until next time,
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