Sunday, February 26, 2012

If You're Happy And You Know It...Wag Your Tail!

Although there are "things" not to be happy about, there is no reason NOT to be happy! (its amazing, the things that hit me in the middle of the night!)
Here's the thing...we all have "things" in our lives that cause us stress or worry (or bad moods, or whatever), but none of those things really deserve the overwhelming attention that we tend to give them, by giving up our happiness and joy, in exchange for stress or worry.
I remember when my ex-husband and I split. SO many people said to me, "I never knew you were that unhappy! You were very good at hiding it!" Truth is, I was happy. I wasn't hiding anything! My marriage sucked, and my ex-husband was toxic and all that...but as a person, I was very happy. Happiness doesn't come from a spouse (although, my husband does bring 'happy' to a completely new level for me!), nor does it come from a job, a financial 'cushion', a flawless childhood, the 'perfect' body, the big house, or any other 'outside' circumstance.
There is no doubt that those outside circumstances (or lack thereof) can have an affect on us, but the bottom line is that we get to decide how BIG of an affect they can have. I know financial worries. I know relationship and parental worries. I know what its like to struggle with those things. But I have also seen, first hand, that one can be truly happy inside, even if all those outside things seem to be in chaos or upheaval.
We are NOT our circumstances. We are NOT our surroundings. We are NOT our current health, financial, relational, parental, mental, emotional, physical or spiritual 'circumstances'. We are SO SO SO much more than those things!  We are the creators of our happiness.  We are the ones who have the power to change our minds at ANY given moment, and take our energy, vibration, mood, or whatever you want to call it - into a completely different direction. No matter WHAT is going on around us, we can choose to be happy, and just wag our tails through whatever it is that is going on.
Shit happens. It happens to all of us. Nevertheless, WE are the ones who get to decide if we are going to give up our happiness and our joy, in exchange for the "stink" of what appears to be happening around us.
So, here's to standing TALL and standing FIRM in the decision to be happy.
Enjoy this magnificent day!
Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. I'm wagging my tail a whole lot more than I used to! AND I am happier, enjoying things again and just feel UP most of the time now. Thanks, as always, Jill!
