Seriously, its time to stop all the 'struggling' that we've got going on and start LIVING! This life is not about 'getting through it' or, making the best of a bad situation. This life is about living! Seeing, experiencing, growing, learning, understanding, loving, laughing and LIVING!
Here's the thing. Just the term 'struggle' implies that you're at a disadvantage. I don't care what it is that you 'struggle' with (well, of course I care, because your struggle is my struggle, as we're all interconnected - breathing the same air, moving through the same energy field, etc), but the 'what' that you're in battle with is quite irrelevant. Just the fact that you see it as a 'struggle' means that you're at odds with something, and that you're at the disadvantage.
It doesn't matter if you're 'struggling' with money, weight, drugs, family, loneliness, boredom, alcohol, religion, gambling, relationships, sex, smoking, proverbial 'forks in the road', depression, anxiety, or any one of a number of other issues. Just the idea that you are struggling sets you back. It puts you in a position of weakness. We ALL know that its much harder to 'get ahead' when we're starting from the back., we collectively start at ground level! We're all starting every day with an even playing field. Some of us have different tools in our toolbox, some different skills that we need in order to best express who we are. But starting out any day, project, conversation or mindset from the place of 'struggle', does NOTHING but add the need for battle during that day, project, conversation or mindset. Any situation that we go into with the understanding that it's a 'struggle', is going to get by us. We're going to miss something in the magic, the learning, the beauty of that experience, because we're so busy feeling that we're in a struggle, that we DRASTICALLY limit the possibilities that can occur in that situation.
For example, lets say you go into a situation wherein your first thought is, "I just have to remember not to _____. This is always a hard situation for me, so I just have to make sure I _____." You've already missed out on SOMETHING, because your focus is on the 'struggle' rather than the event/activity/situation.
Lets say that you have told yourself (in the past!) that you struggle with smoking. You've been trying to quit for X number of years, but you just can't get it down. Today. Today is the day you quit smoking, right?! You've tried and tried and tried, and it just seems to be the ONE thing you can't let go of. (Here's a secret...once you DO quit, there will be something else that shows up, to become the ONE thing you can't let go of. As long as you have the mentality of 'struggle' you can bet your bottom dollar that smoking WILL BE REPLACED with something else! Bank on it!) Anyway, you've tried and tried...but today, yes today will be the day. Even just THAT thought process put you at the disadvantage. You suddenly became the underdog in your very own life! The victim of the smoking habit. Why? Because your thought is that you have something within yourself to beat. Something within YOU to conquer. Something from deep inside, that is NOT GOING TO GET THE BEST OF YOU! So, you're fighting already.
Same with weight. Same with money. Same with drinking, drugs, gambling. Same with deciding which religion to follow. Which direction to take in your life. Anything that you deem a 'struggle', is going to become harder.
Okay, Jill, so what do I do about my struggle with ____??? Pretend it doesn't exist?
No. LIVE. Live your life. Own what you want, and let go of anything that is a 'struggle'. So much of the beauty and magic of this magnificent life is lost, missed and overlooked, because we are so wrapped up in our personal struggles. Out to dinner with friends, and all we think about is how many calories we're taking in, and going to have to 'work off' later. Or how much money we're spending on said dinner. Or how we just can't wait to get home to have that internet time.
Mind you, I'm not saying we should ignore all these things, and just lives of gluttony. What I am saying, is that we need to pull the word 'struggle' out of our internal dictionaries, and know...KNOW that we are in total control over ourselves, our actions and our choices. We're not 'victims of a weight struggle'. We're not minions to a negative desire or habit. We are in control of our actions and thoughts. You feeling like you are losing the battle with depression. Go outside and wrap your arms around a someone who is hurting. Bask in that exchange of love and BOOM, you just beat depression. The idea of your "struggle" is over.
Feeling down? Feeling powerless? Feeling broke? Whatever the negative feeling, do something right in that moment to change it. Live your life in your own power. You may not be able to make yourself a millionaire in a moment, but you can CERTAINLY stop struggling with the idea of being broke. Plan a vacation.
Feeling like you need a drink just to 'cope' with something. Go for a walk and take lots of deep breaths.
Feeling alone? Go to the mall, and start up a random conversation with one of the many people who ask, "can I help you?"
There is literally no end to the list of things that you can do, that will help you deal with the issue at hand, that DOES NOT INCLUDE making it into a struggle. Its just a thing. An idea. A situation. It is not a struggle, unless you label it so.
What is it that you feel like you are struggling with in your life right now? What can you do to look at that issue from a different angle, and dissolve it to just being one minute piece of this beautiful, vibrant, orchestra of light, sound, taste, touch, emotion and energy we live in?
Remember, we're all breathing the same air, wandering through the same energy field, so any 'struggle' you have, you're sharing with all the rest of us. So just letting go of one thing, one negative idea that holds you back, sets us all a bit more free.
With that, I wish you all a beautiful, colorful, fragrant, LIFE FILLED DAY!!!
Until next time,
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