Saturday, May 26, 2012

Magic Carpet Ride.....

Here's what I know to be true. WHO we are is not determined by what we have in our lives. Whether that be a Mercedes or a diagnosis of depression, neither good things/circumstances/conditions nor bad, determine 'who' we are. NOR do those things/circumstances/conditions determine what is POSSIBLE for us.
Again, this is not just something that I "believe to be true", it is something I KNOW to be true, and have seen in my own life, and the lives of others time and time again,
That being said, I invite you to join me on a magic carpet ride of sorts...come with me, even if just for a couple of moments, on a journey of magic and wonder. Not limited by 'if only I could..." or "If only I was....", "If only I had..." - no, this journey is completely void of any limitations AT ALL! Nothing can possibly hold you back!
On this journey, you get to wander into the farthest reaches of your imagination...and even beyond!! I'll fly the carpet, so you don't even have to worry about THAT! Just jump on with me, and see where we'll go!
Remember to let go of all your ideas of limitation and your yeahbuts ('yeah, but...'), just leave them behind, because there's no room for them where we're going!  Let's GO!!
So....wadda you say? You up for an adventure today??
Take as much time as you can spare...take a deep breath, close your eyes and hop on that magic carpet, and lets see where it takes us!
There's NOWHERE we can't go, NOTHING we can't do, and NOT A SINGLE THING we cannot accomplish! Absolutely NO limitations!
In taking this ride, we are allowing your dreams to become a reality, and your wildest imagination to actually come to life. On this ride, please take note of how you feel, what you see, smell and experience- and how everything around you feels - but most important is how YOU feel. What does it feel like to live limit-free, and where do you go??
Only in that free-thinking, free-living and free-being state, can we truly experience and BE WHO we are - and ONLY in that space can we truly see what is possible!!!
If you're up for it, try to write down what happens on this journey. Where did we go? What did we talk about? Who, if anyone, did we see, meet, find or speak with?
Please feel free to send me a copy of what you write. I always LOVE it when I get notes, emails and messages from you all!
Tell me all about what you experienced on our magic carpet ride! And...let me know any time you'd like to take another ride...I'll keep my schedule open :-D
Until Next Time,

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

One step, One move, One a time

Short, simple...What is ONE thing that you can do today, that will contribute to the 'greater good' of the world. Just ONE thing, however large or small, is all it takes if each of us participates just a couple days a week!
There is an ENDLESS list of things we can do - each and every one of us, that will collectively improve the 'current status' of the world. ONE thing...we can ALL do, spare, afford, make time or space for ONE thing, can't we?!?
Just pick one thing, and get it done! You'll feel WONDERFUL knowing that you have made a difference.
Have fun with it and be creative!!!
Until next time,